E6: Evaluation Guidelines and Class Retrospective BLOG
14 May 2021
Briefly describe your system (e.g., A store selling Pokémon game cards) The system that I had created was an ecommerce store for makeup products produced by Kim Kardashian West, Kylie Jenner, Selena Gomez, and Jeffree Star. In my store, they...
<a href = https://youtu.be/Gkgt8X23p-g>Screencast Here</a> Describe your design for your site’s shopping cart. That is, will it be a separate page that the user can view and edit, or will it be integrated into the product pages? If so, describe...
Assignment 2 was fixing errors or improving our Assignment 1 and also making a login and registration page to get to the invoice page. When the customer pressed the checkout button, they needed to be redirected to the login page...
After competing Assignment 1 and at this point of the semester, I have learned a lot of different programming skills that I never understood before. I believe that I still have a lot of work to do when it comes...
The last WOD I have completed allowed me to run JavaScript and HTML at the same time. I created an invoice for five different products and inputted codes that connected the information to each other. I learned how to use...
When I tried to start Browser History 1, I had no idea where to start because this was the first assignment that we did completely on our own. First, I used the format we had learned in class to get...
I decided to major in MIS because I want to expand my knowledge in technology and my friend also suggested that I give it a try. MIS will also be very beneficial in the future and I believe that Finance...