<a href = https://youtu.be/Gkgt8X23p-g>Screencast Here</a>
The design for my site’s shopping cart will be simple because it will have the basic information of the product, quantity, price, tax, and total then it will have the options to delete the product, continue shopping and purchasing the product. The shopping cart page will be redirected to a separate page when the user clicks the “view cart” button, if they have not logged in, they will be redirected to a login page where they will login or register for an account before getting access to view their cart.
I will use sessions to manage my shopping cart by expiring each session after 10 minutes and using sessions to carry over the quantities of the products the customer wants in their cart, so if they keep going back and forth, their quantities already selected will be kept. I have yet to create the code for sessions but this is the overall plan of my website.
To avoid access to my application when the user has not logged in or registered, they will not be able to access the cart unless they logged in or registered. The particular security concerns that I must address is if they get access to they cart when they did not log in or register, so I will try avoid that by using cookies to exemplify the security.
Upon a successful login, I will provide their username somewhere on the site to show the personalization in my UI. I did this in assignment 2, so I will most likely keep it by saying “(username) thank you for purchasing” or “(username) has (number of items) items in cart”.
I am not working with partners so I will be doing all the work for my website.
I am approaching assignment 3 differently than assignment 2 by thinking about the bigger picture and what needs to be done before starting on the project. I am making sure I have everything needed and the code is correct before moving on because if I didn’t do that and I had something wrong, I would have to spend time fixing the codes and possibly getting mixed up in the process.