When I tried to start Browser History 1, I had no idea where to start because this was the first assignment that we did completely on our own. First, I used the format we had learned in class to get all of the information onto the document and I was able to do that with no problem, but when I had to link websites to the document, I did not know what to do. When I did not understand how to link the website, I started to get confused and frustrated because I was trying to use all different types of codes, but it would not work, therefore I looked back at the readings and understood how to link a website to your document. Once I figured out how to do that step, I was already on 35 minutes. After I tried to link the table of contents to the rest of my page by using the same method, I was very frustrated because it was not working like how my other links were working. I tried to link the table of contents for around 20 minutes, but it would not work so that is when I watched the screencast. After watching through it, I understood what I was doing wrong and realized that I had to put ids in the headings which I did after watching the screencast. I was able to link the table of contents and put the logos on the website and I could see it in my local host, but I deleted that project because it took me over an hour to complete and that is way over the DNF time. The second time I attempted, I was able to get to the table of contents section again and I was still having a hard time linking the headers, so I had to refer back to the screencast, where I had to restart my project since I finished it around 30 minutes. My third attempt was my attempt where I did not have to reference the screencast, but I still made errors with the links which took time when I had to fix it. On my third attempt, I finished it within the Sd time because I took around 20 minutes, but I wanted to complete Browser History 1 in the Rx time, so I deleted my project and restarted it. Each time I completed the WOD, I improved a lot because I was learning the correct codes and I improved on my skills that dealt with efficiency, therefore I completed my last attempt under 15 minutes.
Browser History 2 was a challenge for me because I was confused how to get the code to link up. When I was on my first attempt, I changed the color of the font to dark blue to see if my style sheet was linked up correctly, and it was. When I tried to restart the style sheet to follow the direction, I was confused because I would refresh the page, and the font would still be dark blue even if there was nothing on my CSS sheet. Once I got the font color to be back too normal, I started to work on the font, and which was another roadblock because I did not know how to download the fonts. The first attempt took about 45 minutes, so I stopped and watched the screencast because I did not know how to download the fonts. My second attempt was easier, but it took me a while because I restarted my Browser History 2, and I did all of the format correctly, but it would not transfer over to my local host. When I tried to run my local host on a different browser, it would update to the step I had, but it would not update any of the new codes that I inputted into the document. I was very frustrated because I knew that I was doing the codes correctly, but it was not updating because when I inputted all the codes, it started on a new browser but none of the old ones I used. The second attempt took around an hour because I was trying to understand how to make it update, so I asked a TA for help, then she explained that for this Browser History 2, I did not have to run my server and I just could use the pathway from my finder to see all the changes I made in the VS Code. After class, I understand how to update the server, by doing a force reload, but at the time I was very confused. The last attempt was very easy because I already understood how to input and run all the codes for the style.css sheet so I restarted and finished my last attempt in about 6ish minutes. After completing this WOD, I realized that I had to follow everything step by step and to not bring over previous information from the previous WOD because even if I know how to always update the browser now, at the time I did not have to start my server.
Browser History 3 was my favorite WOD out of the three because it designed the page. Although it took me 4 attempts, I knew the same information for the third and fourth attempt. My first attempt was kind of confusing at first because I made a code for the navigation bar and I made the browser sections have a code to be in three columns, but it was not showing up in the browser window. I read a reading on how to fix it and realized that I had to do something in my stylesheet which I did and there were finally three columns, but they were all off. I tried to fix it, but it wouldn’t work, therefore I watched the screencast and restarted my attempt. My second attempt went well but I was still referring back to the screencast because I got stuck in some places when it came to the padding and making the navigation bar spaced out. My first and second attempt took around 45 minutes each while my third attempt took around 15 minutes. My third attempt, I did not refer to the screencast, but it took me a while because I did everything correctly, but one section did not become a column, it would be the full width like the introduction. I finished everything else and went back to the part I was stuck on where I found out that I had typed out “px” incorrectly because I put “ox” instead of “px.” I finished my last attempt in the Rx time because I understood how to do everything correctly, but I had made a small error, so when I did another attempt, I watched out for small errors. In the third WOD, I learned to always double check what you write and to understand the difficult parts before moving on.
Overall, I was confused at the beginning of each WOD because I did not know where to start. I do believe that you learn more when you try an attempt and look at other resources if you’re stuck to help before watching the screencast. When you watch the screencast after you have tried everything else, you can see where you were wrong and what you had to do to fix the problem, so it is better to watch it after you had tried all of the other options.