E3: Performing WODs Technical Essay

17 Feb 2021

The last WOD I have completed allowed me to run JavaScript and HTML at the same time. I created an invoice for five different products and inputted codes that connected the information to each other. I learned how to use the variable functions and how to link it into a table because when one data is changed, the rest of the codes can be updated. In this WOD, we used a cancel out function so we can see the description (comment) but it will not run with the rest of the codes. For further information, here is a link to the description page: https://dport96.github.io/ITM352/morea/060.expressions-operators/experience-invoice1.html

Before performing the WOD, I read through the all the instructions and I did all the JavaScript readings assigned. The things that I did similar to the other WODs was performing the WOD before watching the screencast and I timed myself while doing it. The things that I did differently was doing the WOD before finishing our last Lab because we had not practiced some functions needed to complete the WOD, and that is the part I got stuck on.

While performing the Invoice 1 WOD, I had understood how to perform the basic tasks and write all of the JavaScript functions. I was confused at first because I was adding the extended price variables to the product data section, but I was not attaching the functions that multiply the price and quantity data. I fixed my problems by re-reading the instructions and broke it down by pieces to understand the tasks. I think reading the instructions all the way through and thinking what my next steps were worked very well because it allowed me to understand if the codes could work or not. When I got to the table section, I had trouble how to link the JavaScript codes to the html section. Once I tried everything I have learned, I then watched the screencast because I was stuck on what to do and this was before practicing the codes in class for Lab6. After practicing everything performed in class, I attempted the Invoice1 WOD again and succeeded in the Av time because I understood how to input certain functions that I previously stumbled on.

In the future, I can better prepare for the WOD by reading the instructions and focusing on the steps that I am unsure how to do before starting an attempt. I believe when I identify the steps that I will stumble on during the WOD and figuring out the information needed to complete the function successfully. When taking a step ahead and understanding future roadblocks, it will lead me to not watch the example screencast given.